
Unmatched by anyone in our business!

Every time you submit an MPP application or waiver. you will receive (by e-mail) a Confirmation of Indemnity. This acts not only as your proof that the application was received, but also that MPP has assumed all liability for any future legal disputes in connection with it.

We will use the e-mail address we have for you on file, but you can call us and specify another email address if you like.

What makes "Indemnification" so important that we would take the time to issue certificates?

You have likely heard stories like this.

"I offered mortgage protection to Joe and Mary Smith but forgot to have Mary come in to sign the waiver. Well, about six months later, I was certainly shocked when I heard that Mary was in a serious car accident and didn’t make it. All I could do was cross my fingers and hope that I wouldn't get a phone call from Joe's lawyer ..."

You may know first-hand that whenever there's any sign of this kind of trouble, Mortgage Protection Plan is there to protect the mortgage broker's interests.

We don't do this just on occasion, or when it involves "one of the big guys."

It's written right into our contract that we are obligated to protect (or "indemnify") mortgage brokers who conscientiously offer Mortgage Protection Plan. In fact, we have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars doing just that.